Klonopin High

I remember years ago when I was on Klonopin (and currently on it as well) - that we started going to a new church. I didn't mind going, but we also went to their Sunday School which was a little bit more social. This was tough for me. I've always had a problem with social anxiety and I was very nervous going in there and talking to people.  Before I went in, I took more than my usual dose of Klonopin and felt “really good”.  In fact, to good.

I walked into Sunday School with my wife and sat down at a table with other people.  I was so high, when my wife was talking to someone else, there was a person at the table that asked me where my wife worked at, I started laughing and said I didn’t remember.  I was drunk – drunk with benzos going through my veins.

This is even hard to think about it because later I was so embarrassed acting the way I did.  I might as well drank Jack Daniels before walking in because I was stoned.  That was the deal for me – I didn’t want to feel nervous around people so I blitzed myself.  Really cool of me – not. 

I will tell you of another story of me being “Klonopin high”.  I was in a meeting one day with my manager and we were talking to another group of people.  I knew I had to go to this meeting before hand and again, I took a lot of  Klonopin and started to feel really good about everything.  However, I lost my inhibitions within the meeting and said some things that should not have been said.  I was really worried about losing my job after the meeting, so worried that I apologized to my boss.  However, to this day, I can’t remember his response because when I apologized, again, I had to much benzos going through my veins.

When one takes Klonopin and over does it, they become drunk.  There is that high that makes you feel good, but at the same time, you really lose it.  No matter what, if you think you are going to be nervous, let’s say speaking in front a group of people,  DO NOT take extra Klonopin.  However, I personally take maybe 1mg more if I know I’m going to be speaking in front of people (which is one of my worst fears) and I still feel nervous.  If you take extra Klonopin and still feeling nervous, then that’s ok – you know that you are not high.  It’s a lot better of acting a little bit of nervous in a social situation than making a total fool out of yourself because you are so high.

The goal for you should be to always be weening yourself off of Klonopin.  Within this blog, I do have ways on how to do that.  However, even though I am saying that you should not take more Klonopin, you can take a little bit more, but be sure you know what you are doing.

I will have to warn you about the above…and I have to legally say this.  Please consult your doctor before taking my advice.


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