Klonopin Dosage

Many people over the last couple of years have asked me – so how much of a dosage of Klonopin do you take?  I am supposed to take 2 mgs of Klonopin per dosage three times a day, however, I do not take that much.  I usually take half of that when I go to work and I also take basically .5 mg – if that, on my days off.  When I do take that little (or none) when I don’t go to work, I feel ok.  I can go out and talk to people and I live a normal life.  I do belong to a toastmasters club where I do take at least 2 mgs before the meeting, however, not enough to produce a KLONOPIN HIGH. 

When I was taking Xanax (which is a less stable medication than Klononpin – at least in my book), I was taking so much, my shrink told me that I was basically drinking a half bottle of Vodka on every dose I took, even though I didn’t feel the high – it was just getting me by.  I can’t recall how much I was taking back then, but she felt that I was taking way to much. 

With that said, I am 6’6”, 260 lbs.  So, I believe I can take a lot more than the average person, but I’m never made that excuse.  Ever since I’ve been on benzos, I wish I could lay off of it totally – but it was one of those things in my life that I had to have since I had social anxiety. 

About five years ago, before I would take off for work, I would take 3.5 mgs.  Wow!  I can’t believe I took that much.  One day, I had a colonoscopy scheduled and I went in and they “put me under”.  Well – since I took so much Klonopin on an average basis, the gas they gave me didn’t knock me out and I was feeling the pain when I was going through the procedure.  After that, I vowed to get at least take less Klonopin. 

Over a period of time, I dropped to half I was taking.  So before I went to work, I would take two mg of Klonopin and every three hours take 1 mg.  It actually helped me a lot, so in the end, I when I took less Klonopin, I felt a lot better.

My problems are still not over with, because I still take the same amount, and on my days off when I take less or none, I do suffer a little bit of Klonopin withdrawal symptoms such as disorientation, headaches and a lot of anxiety.  However, I do have a cure for being anxious.  Whenever I feel that way, I just do self-hypnosis.  I watched a program on television one time saying that this woman was anxious all the time, but then she started meditating three times a day, her being anxious dropped about 75%. 

I have tried hypnosis when I was going through disorientation and I would feel a lot better after the meditation.  It didn’t wipe it out all the way, but it was an improvement.  Something for you to think about if you are trying to get off Xanax or Klonopin – or any Benzo for that matter.

There is no set program of how much you should take when you are on Xanax or Klonopin.  Just remember that everybody is different and takes different amount to relieve the anxiety that is within their own life.

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