Sunday, August 5, 2012


I thought I would write a little bit about Klonopin itself.  This is intended for anybody that has some type of anxiety disorder in their life and is thinking about taking either Klonopin or Xanax.  Indeed, they both work, however, there is some consequences when taking these type of medications.  You, yourself, if you are one of those thinking about taking benzos, have to weigh in everything.  However, let me tell you my story.

I was diagnosed with social anxiety back in the mid-nineties.  The doctor gave me Xanax and I was on it for years.  I have to admit, I could function once again in society, however, when I was off of it for one day - it was horrible.  I had feelings of disorientation, headaches and short-term memory.  If I took it everyday, then I would get used to it and found myself taking more.  In the end - it helped me, but there was a price to pay.

So here is my advice.  Stay away from it and try to overcome your anxieties (or whatever you need it for).  One way is through self-hypnosis.  This is basically relaxing your body three times a day and visualizing yourself going through your own personal experiences that you have problems with.

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